PUMA Маратонки Puma ForeverRUN Nitro Running Shoes Adults - Sun Stream

Introducing the Puma ForeverRUN Nitro Running Shoes - the ultimate gear for relentless runners. Puma, a brand that embodies the spirit of sports enthusiasts is here to elevate your...
356,99 лв.
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PUMA Маратонки Puma ForeverRUN Nitro Running Shoes Adults - Sun Stream
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Introducing the Puma ForeverRUN Nitro Running Shoes - the ultimate gear for relentless runners. Puma, a brand that embodies the spirit of sports enthusiasts is here to elevate your...

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Описание на продукта

Introducing the Puma ForeverRUN Nitro Running Shoes - the ultimate gear for relentless runners. Puma, a brand that embodies the spirit of sports enthusiasts is here to elevate your running experience. Engineered with an innovative mesh upper that provides a lightweight and breathable fit, allowing your feet to stay cool and comfortable even during the most intense workouts.

Equipped with NITRO technology, an advanced nitrogen-injected foam, you'll experience unbeatable responsiveness and cushioning that won't weigh you down. Set upon a PUMAGRIP performance rubber compound to deliver superior traction on any surface, giving you the confidence to take on any terrain, an asymmetrical heel offers support and stability to ensure every stride is powerful and controlled.

PWRTAPE upper reinforcement feature targets key areas, providing extra support and durability exactly where you need it. Meanwhile, the RUNGUIDE firm-density guide rail keeps your foot aligned and centred with every stride, reducing the risk of injury. Complete with a full lace fastening for a personalised and secure fit, the ForeverRUN Nitro Running Trainers from Puma are the perfect companion for your daily runs, races, and athletic adventures.

Upper: Mesh. Sole: Rubber.

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