Резултати от търсене за: rj 45 cat 6 s ftp 15m mrezhov kabel bjala 15 m cat6 s ftp s stp 47799 47799
- Hama 200680
Hama 200680
Пренос на данни с до 01 GbpsДвойно екраниран за намаляване на електромагнитните смущенияПлоски щепсели (Slimline), подходящи за мобилни и плоски устройства или при ограничено прост
- Manhattan 733298
Manhattan 733298
Intellinet (733298) Network Patch Cable - Cat6 - 15m - Grey - Copper - S/FTP - LSOH / LSZH - PVC - RJ45 - Gold Plated Contacts - Snagless - Booted - Lifetime Warranty - Polybag - 1
- Roline Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 1.5m, Value 21.99. 0812 (21.99.0812)
Roline Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 1.5m, Value 21.99. 0812 (21.99.0812)
Prepared shielded Twisted Pair cable with RJ-45 connectors on bothsides. Used as patch cable in wiring cabinet or as direct connectioncable between devices. Flexible cable suitable
- S-Conn Пач кабел CAT6a RJ45 S/FTP 15m сив (75725) (75725) (75725)
- Roline Пач кабел Roline, S/FTP, Cat. 6, 1.5m, червен (21.99.0812)
Roline Пач кабел Roline, S/FTP, Cat. 6, 1.5m, червен (21.99.0812)
Кабел за структурно окабеляване Съпротивление: 100 Ohm Готов за използване кабел с екраниран RJ-45 накрайник в двата края (без кодиране) и kink-протектор Конструкция: 8 прово
- Roline Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 15m, Pink 21.15. 1399 (21.15.1399)
Roline Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 15m, Pink 21.15. 1399 (21.15.1399)
Patch cable for networking connections between devices. Prepared double shielded Twisted Pair cable with screened RJ-45 connectors on both ends. Durable due to moulded kink protect
- Roline Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 1.5m, Value 21.99. 0812 (21.99.0812)
Roline Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 1.5m, Value 21.99. 0812 (21.99.0812)
Prepared shielded Twisted Pair cable with RJ-45 connectors on both sides. Used as patch cable in wiring cabinet or as direct connection cable between devices. Flexible cable suitab
- Roline Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 15m, Pink 21.15. 1399 (21.15.1399)
Roline Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 15m, Pink 21.15. 1399 (21.15.1399)
Patch cable for networking connections between devices. Prepared doubleshielded Twisted Pair cable with screened RJ-45 connectors on both ends. Durable due to moulded kink protecti
- LINDY мрежов кабел Cat6A RJ45 S/FTP Cat7 LSZH кабел жълт 15m (47668)
- Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 1.5m, Value 21.99. 0812 (21.99.0812)
Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 1.5m, Value 21.99. 0812 (21.99.0812)
Prepared shielded Twisted Pair cable with RJ-45 connectors on both sides. Used as patch cable in wiring cabinet or as direct connection cable between devices. Flexible cable suitable for narrow bending. Contact settings 1:1, according to EIA/TIA 568, 8 wires....
- Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 1.5m, Value 21.99. 0812 (21.99.0812)
Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 1.5m, Value 21.99. 0812 (21.99.0812)
Prepared shielded Twisted Pair cable with RJ-45 connectors on bothsides. Used as patch cable in wiring cabinet or as direct connectioncable between devices. Flexible cable suitable for narrow bending. Contact settings 1:1, according to EIA/TIA 568, 8 wires....
- Пач кабел Hama 200680, S/FTP, Cat. 6a, 1.5m, черен (HAMA-200680)
Пач кабел Hama 200680, S/FTP, Cat. 6a, 1.5m, черен (HAMA-200680)
Пренос на данни с до 10 Gbps Двойно екраниран за намаляване на електромагнитните смущения Плоски щепсели (Slimline), подходящи за мобилни и плоски устройства или при ограничено пространство Съвместим с Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000/10000 Mbit/s) Мрежови стандарт: CAT...
Пач кабел CAT6a RJ45 S/FTP 15m сив (75725) (75725) (75725)
- Пач кабел Roline, S/FTP, Cat. 6, 1.5m, червен (21.99.0812)
Пач кабел Roline, S/FTP, Cat. 6, 1.5m, червен (21.99.0812)
Кабел за структурно окабеляване Съпротивление: 100 Ohm Готов за използване кабел с екраниран RJ-45 накрайник в двата края (без кодиране) и kink-протектор Конструкция: 8 проводника, многожилен, меден, AWG-26 Двойно изолиране на чифтовете в алуминиево фолио, цялостна...
- Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 15m, Pink 21.15. 1399 (21.15.1399)
Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 15m, Pink 21.15. 1399 (21.15.1399)
Patch cable for networking connections between devices. Prepared double shielded Twisted Pair cable with screened RJ-45 connectors on both ends. Durable due to moulded kink protection. Flexible cable, suitable for narrow bending. High quality plugs with gold plated...
- LINDY мрежов кабел Cat6A RJ45 S/FTP Cat7 LSZH кабел зелен 15m (47653)
- Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 15m, Pink 21.15. 1399 (21.15.1399)
Patch cable S/FTP Cat. 6 15m, Pink 21.15. 1399 (21.15.1399)
Patch cable for networking connections between devices. Prepared doubleshielded Twisted Pair cable with screened RJ-45 connectors on both ends. Durable due to moulded kink protection. Flexible cable, suitable fornarrow bending. High quality plugs with gold plated...
- Network Patch Cable - Cat6 - 15m - Grey - Copper - S/FTP - LSOH / LSZH - PVC - RJ45 - Gold Plated Contacts - Snagless - Booted - Lifetime Warranty - Polybag - 15 m - Cat6 - S/FTP (S-STP) - RJ-45 - RJ- (733298)
Network Patch Cable - Cat6 - 15m - Grey - Copper - S/FTP - LSOH / LSZH - PVC - RJ45 - Gold Plated Contacts - Snagless - Booted - Lifetime Warranty - Polybag - 15 m - Cat6 - S/FTP (S-STP) - RJ-45 - RJ- (733298)
Intellinet (733298) Network Patch Cable - Cat6 - 15m - Grey - Copper - S/FTP - LSOH / LSZH - PVC - RJ45 - Gold Plated Contacts - Snagless - Booted - Lifetime Warranty - Polybag - 15 m - Cat6 - S/FTP (S-STP) - RJ-45 - RJ-