A Social Inclusion Roadmap for Europe 2020
Състояние: Отлично Издателство: Garant Град на издаване: Antwerpen-Apeldoorn Наличност: singular Ширина (мм): 170 Височина (мм): 245 Дебелина (мм): 12 Корици: Меки 2010 is...
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Състояние: Отлично Издателство: Garant Град на издаване: Antwerpen-Apeldoorn Наличност: singular Ширина (мм): 170 Височина (мм): 245 Дебелина (мм): 12 Корици: Меки 2010 is...
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Състояние: Отлично
Издателство: Garant
Град на издаване: Antwerpen-Apeldoorn
Наличност: singular
Ширина (мм): 170
Височина (мм): 245
Дебелина (мм): 12
Корици: Меки
2010 is in many ways a turning point in the fight against poverty. The European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion aims to raise public awareness, to give voice to the concerns of those experiencing poverty and to renew political commitment of the EU and its Member States. The fact that poverty has not decreased in the past decade necessitates a thorough reflection about the design of the European economic and social model. The elaboration of the Europe 2020 strategy is a window of opportunity to put social inclusion at the heart of the policy of the Union. The Belgian Presidency of the EU in the second half of 2010 has selected three thematic priorities with regard to social inclusion: minimum income systems, child poverty and homelessness - as well as a horizontal priority: the active involvement of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion. This book takes stock of the progress made in the past decade and formulates a series of policy recommendations for the next decade, at EU level as well as in the Member States.
Hugh Frazer (National University of Ireland, Maynooth), Eric Marlier (CEPS/INSTEAD Research Institute, Luxem¬bourg), Ides Nicajse (HIVA and Department of Education Sciences, K. U. Leuven, Belgium) are members of the EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion.
Foreword by Mr. Philippe Courard, Belgian Secretary of State for Social Integration and Combating Poverty 9
Preface 13
1 Setting the Overall EU Context 15
1.1 Introduction 15
1.2 The social inclusion strand of the current Social OMC: 2000-2010 16
1.2. 1 What it is and what have been its main elements 16
1.2. 2 Main strengths and weaknesses to date 20
1.3 EU action on poverty and social exclusion post-2010 23
1.3. 1 Clear EU social objectives supported by EU and national social outcome targets 24
1.3. 2 Rigorous benchmarking, monitoring and evaluation 26
1.3. 3 Social inclusion in the Integrated Guidelines for growth andjobs 28
1.3. 4 Lisbon Treaty's "horizontal social clause": a callfor "social mainstreaming andfor social impact assessments 30
1.3. 5 Establishing the European Pla form Against Poverty 31
1.3. 6 Concentrating work around thematic issues 32
1.3. 7 Guidelines on key governance issues 33
1.3. 8 Improving links between EU social inclusion objectives and EU Structural Funds objectives 33
1.3. 9 Maintaining and strengthening NAPs/inclusion 34
1.3. 10 Greater use of harder instruments 34
1.3. 11 Enhanced exchange and learning and better communication 35
References 35
2 Child Poverty and Social Exclusion 39
2.1. Child poverty and social exclusion in the Social OMC 39
2.1. 1 An increasingly important issue 39
2.1. 2 Why it has become a major issue 40
2.1. 3 Wide range of work on child poverty and social exclusion in the Social OMC 43
2.2. Extent and nature of child poverty and social exclusion in the EU 47
2.2. 1 Extent 47
2.2. 2 Main groups 50
2.2. 3 Joblessness 50
2.2. 4 Employment status a key factor 51
2.2. 5 Multidimensionalfactors 52
2.2. 6 Long-term effect and intergenerational inheritance 53
2.2. 7 Groups at risk of "extreme"poverty 54
2.3. Nine elements to prevent and tackle child poverty and social exclusion 55
2.3. 1 Political leadership 55
2.3. 2 Mainstreamed and coordinated approach 56
2.3. 3 Commitment to promoting children's rights 58
2.3. 4 In-depth analysis supported by quality and timely data 59
2.3. 5 Strategic evidence-based approach based on clear objectives and targets 61
2.3. 6 Balance between universal and targeted approaches and between prevention and alleviation 64
2.3. 7 Involvement of key actors (including children themselves) 66
2.3. 8 Effective delivery arrangements at local level 66
2.3. 9 Effective monitoring and reporting arrangements 68
2.4. A comprehensive policy framework 69
2.4. 1 Ensuring an adequate income 70
2.4. 2 Ensuring access to and participation in services 71
2.4. 3 Developing effective care and protection policies 73
2.4. 4 Promoting access to and participation in social, cultural and recreational activities 74
2.5. Child poverty and related policies in Belgium 74
2.5. 1 The poverty risks of children 74
2.5. 2 Financial support to families with children 76
2.5. 3 Maternity and early childhood services 77
2.5. 4 Child care and the reconciliation of work andfamily responsibilities 78
2.5. 5 Education 80
2.5. 6 Specialised youth care 84
2.5. 7 Children's rights and participation: a blind spot 88
2.5. 8 Concluding remarks 89
2.6 Conclusions and recommendations for strengthening EU action on child poverty and social exclusion 90
2.6. 1 Clearly stated political priority in Europe 2020 agenda 92
2.6. 2 Multi-annual work programme for EU action 93
2.6. 3 Recommendation on child poverty and well-being 94
2.6. 4 Mainstreaming across EUpolicy making 94
2.6. 5 Strengthening data, targets, monitoring and evaluation 95
2.6. 6 Maintaining and deepening exchange of learning 96
2.6. 7 Improving governance and involving children 97
References 97
3 Active Inclusion 107
3.1 Active inclusion in the EU Social OMC 107
3.1. 1 What is active inclusion? 107
3.1. 2 Why is active inclusion a priority in the Social OMC? 108
3.1. 3 What have been the main developments at EU level? 109
3.2 Extent of active inclusion approach in the EU 113
3.2. 1 Adequate minimum income 114
3.2. 2 Inclusive labour markets 119
3.2. 3 Access to quality services 120
3.3 Active inclusion in Belgium 121
3.3. 1 Minimum income: coverage, (non-)take-up, and adequacy 122
3.3. 2 Access to inclusive employment 127
3.3. 3 Access to quality services 131
3.4 Conclusions and recommendations for strengthening EU action on active inclusion 134
3.4. 1 Review and Monitoring 135
3.4. 2 Exchange and Learning 135
3.4. 3 Linkages 135
3.4. 4 Resourcing 135
3.4. 5 Minimum Income 136
References 137
4 Homelessness and Housing Exclusion 141
4.1 HHE in the EU Social OMC 141
4.1. 1 No commonly agreed EU definition of HHE 141
4.1. 2 Why it is a major issue in the EU Social OMC 143
4.1. 3 Brief summary of key work on HHE in the Social OMC 144
4.1. 4 What the EU dimension adds to country s action 145
4.2 The extent and causes of HHE across the EU 146
4.3 Necessary elements to prevent and tackle HHE 151
4.3. 1 Governance framework 151
4.3. 2 Problem definition 152
4.3. 3 Problem analysis 152
4.3. 4 Strategy 154
4.3. 5 Delivery and implementation 155
4.3. 6 Review and monitoring mechanisms 155
4.4 Key policy elements 156
4.4. 1 Policies to prevent HHE 156
4.4. 2 Policies to combat HHE 158
4.4. 3 Policies to ensure quality housing and homeless services 160
4.5 Homelessness and housing exclusion in Belgium 164
4.5. 1 Counting dark numbers 165
4.5. 2 A basic rights approach 167
4.5. 3 Preventing homelessness and fostering reintegration 169
4.5. 4 Services for the homeless 169
4.5. 5 Housing policy 170
4.5. 6 Concluding remarks 176
4.6 Conclusions and recommendations for strengthening EU action on HHE177
4.6. 1 Strengthen political commitment 178
4.6. 2 Multi-annual work programme 179
4.6. 3 Development of national strategies 179
4.6. 4 Definition, measurement and monitoring 180
4.6. 5 Improving the quality of services 181
4.6. 6 Exchange and learning 181
References 182
5 Making social inclusion a cornerstone of EU and Member States policies 187
5.1 Putting social inclusion at the heart of policies 188
5.1. 1 EU enlargement 188
5.1. 2 Liberalisation of basic services 191
5.1. 3 The Lisbon Strategy 196
5.2 Building participation of all stakeholders, including the most excluded 198
5.2. 1 The challenge 198
5.2. 2 A brief overview of responses 199
5.3 Conclusions and recommendations 203
References 204
6 Overall conclusions 207
Издателство: Garant
Град на издаване: Antwerpen-Apeldoorn
Наличност: singular
Ширина (мм): 170
Височина (мм): 245
Дебелина (мм): 12
Корици: Меки
2010 is in many ways a turning point in the fight against poverty. The European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion aims to raise public awareness, to give voice to the concerns of those experiencing poverty and to renew political commitment of the EU and its Member States. The fact that poverty has not decreased in the past decade necessitates a thorough reflection about the design of the European economic and social model. The elaboration of the Europe 2020 strategy is a window of opportunity to put social inclusion at the heart of the policy of the Union. The Belgian Presidency of the EU in the second half of 2010 has selected three thematic priorities with regard to social inclusion: minimum income systems, child poverty and homelessness - as well as a horizontal priority: the active involvement of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion. This book takes stock of the progress made in the past decade and formulates a series of policy recommendations for the next decade, at EU level as well as in the Member States.
Hugh Frazer (National University of Ireland, Maynooth), Eric Marlier (CEPS/INSTEAD Research Institute, Luxem¬bourg), Ides Nicajse (HIVA and Department of Education Sciences, K. U. Leuven, Belgium) are members of the EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion.
Foreword by Mr. Philippe Courard, Belgian Secretary of State for Social Integration and Combating Poverty 9
Preface 13
1 Setting the Overall EU Context 15
1.1 Introduction 15
1.2 The social inclusion strand of the current Social OMC: 2000-2010 16
1.2. 1 What it is and what have been its main elements 16
1.2. 2 Main strengths and weaknesses to date 20
1.3 EU action on poverty and social exclusion post-2010 23
1.3. 1 Clear EU social objectives supported by EU and national social outcome targets 24
1.3. 2 Rigorous benchmarking, monitoring and evaluation 26
1.3. 3 Social inclusion in the Integrated Guidelines for growth andjobs 28
1.3. 4 Lisbon Treaty's "horizontal social clause": a callfor "social mainstreaming andfor social impact assessments 30
1.3. 5 Establishing the European Pla form Against Poverty 31
1.3. 6 Concentrating work around thematic issues 32
1.3. 7 Guidelines on key governance issues 33
1.3. 8 Improving links between EU social inclusion objectives and EU Structural Funds objectives 33
1.3. 9 Maintaining and strengthening NAPs/inclusion 34
1.3. 10 Greater use of harder instruments 34
1.3. 11 Enhanced exchange and learning and better communication 35
References 35
2 Child Poverty and Social Exclusion 39
2.1. Child poverty and social exclusion in the Social OMC 39
2.1. 1 An increasingly important issue 39
2.1. 2 Why it has become a major issue 40
2.1. 3 Wide range of work on child poverty and social exclusion in the Social OMC 43
2.2. Extent and nature of child poverty and social exclusion in the EU 47
2.2. 1 Extent 47
2.2. 2 Main groups 50
2.2. 3 Joblessness 50
2.2. 4 Employment status a key factor 51
2.2. 5 Multidimensionalfactors 52
2.2. 6 Long-term effect and intergenerational inheritance 53
2.2. 7 Groups at risk of "extreme"poverty 54
2.3. Nine elements to prevent and tackle child poverty and social exclusion 55
2.3. 1 Political leadership 55
2.3. 2 Mainstreamed and coordinated approach 56
2.3. 3 Commitment to promoting children's rights 58
2.3. 4 In-depth analysis supported by quality and timely data 59
2.3. 5 Strategic evidence-based approach based on clear objectives and targets 61
2.3. 6 Balance between universal and targeted approaches and between prevention and alleviation 64
2.3. 7 Involvement of key actors (including children themselves) 66
2.3. 8 Effective delivery arrangements at local level 66
2.3. 9 Effective monitoring and reporting arrangements 68
2.4. A comprehensive policy framework 69
2.4. 1 Ensuring an adequate income 70
2.4. 2 Ensuring access to and participation in services 71
2.4. 3 Developing effective care and protection policies 73
2.4. 4 Promoting access to and participation in social, cultural and recreational activities 74
2.5. Child poverty and related policies in Belgium 74
2.5. 1 The poverty risks of children 74
2.5. 2 Financial support to families with children 76
2.5. 3 Maternity and early childhood services 77
2.5. 4 Child care and the reconciliation of work andfamily responsibilities 78
2.5. 5 Education 80
2.5. 6 Specialised youth care 84
2.5. 7 Children's rights and participation: a blind spot 88
2.5. 8 Concluding remarks 89
2.6 Conclusions and recommendations for strengthening EU action on child poverty and social exclusion 90
2.6. 1 Clearly stated political priority in Europe 2020 agenda 92
2.6. 2 Multi-annual work programme for EU action 93
2.6. 3 Recommendation on child poverty and well-being 94
2.6. 4 Mainstreaming across EUpolicy making 94
2.6. 5 Strengthening data, targets, monitoring and evaluation 95
2.6. 6 Maintaining and deepening exchange of learning 96
2.6. 7 Improving governance and involving children 97
References 97
3 Active Inclusion 107
3.1 Active inclusion in the EU Social OMC 107
3.1. 1 What is active inclusion? 107
3.1. 2 Why is active inclusion a priority in the Social OMC? 108
3.1. 3 What have been the main developments at EU level? 109
3.2 Extent of active inclusion approach in the EU 113
3.2. 1 Adequate minimum income 114
3.2. 2 Inclusive labour markets 119
3.2. 3 Access to quality services 120
3.3 Active inclusion in Belgium 121
3.3. 1 Minimum income: coverage, (non-)take-up, and adequacy 122
3.3. 2 Access to inclusive employment 127
3.3. 3 Access to quality services 131
3.4 Conclusions and recommendations for strengthening EU action on active inclusion 134
3.4. 1 Review and Monitoring 135
3.4. 2 Exchange and Learning 135
3.4. 3 Linkages 135
3.4. 4 Resourcing 135
3.4. 5 Minimum Income 136
References 137
4 Homelessness and Housing Exclusion 141
4.1 HHE in the EU Social OMC 141
4.1. 1 No commonly agreed EU definition of HHE 141
4.1. 2 Why it is a major issue in the EU Social OMC 143
4.1. 3 Brief summary of key work on HHE in the Social OMC 144
4.1. 4 What the EU dimension adds to country s action 145
4.2 The extent and causes of HHE across the EU 146
4.3 Necessary elements to prevent and tackle HHE 151
4.3. 1 Governance framework 151
4.3. 2 Problem definition 152
4.3. 3 Problem analysis 152
4.3. 4 Strategy 154
4.3. 5 Delivery and implementation 155
4.3. 6 Review and monitoring mechanisms 155
4.4 Key policy elements 156
4.4. 1 Policies to prevent HHE 156
4.4. 2 Policies to combat HHE 158
4.4. 3 Policies to ensure quality housing and homeless services 160
4.5 Homelessness and housing exclusion in Belgium 164
4.5. 1 Counting dark numbers 165
4.5. 2 A basic rights approach 167
4.5. 3 Preventing homelessness and fostering reintegration 169
4.5. 4 Services for the homeless 169
4.5. 5 Housing policy 170
4.5. 6 Concluding remarks 176
4.6 Conclusions and recommendations for strengthening EU action on HHE177
4.6. 1 Strengthen political commitment 178
4.6. 2 Multi-annual work programme 179
4.6. 3 Development of national strategies 179
4.6. 4 Definition, measurement and monitoring 180
4.6. 5 Improving the quality of services 181
4.6. 6 Exchange and learning 181
References 182
5 Making social inclusion a cornerstone of EU and Member States policies 187
5.1 Putting social inclusion at the heart of policies 188
5.1. 1 EU enlargement 188
5.1. 2 Liberalisation of basic services 191
5.1. 3 The Lisbon Strategy 196
5.2 Building participation of all stakeholders, including the most excluded 198
5.2. 1 The challenge 198
5.2. 2 A brief overview of responses 199
5.3 Conclusions and recommendations 203
References 204
6 Overall conclusions 207
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