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Pretty love - pretty love bottom Анален разширител pretty love - inflatable & rechargeable delfin anal plug

Функция: 10 функции за вибрация и надуване Водоустойчивост: Да Зареждане: USB акумулатор Материал: силикон Цвят: Черен Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:...
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Pretty love - pretty love bottom Анален разширител pretty love - inflatable & rechargeable delfin anal plug
Информация в магазина0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Функция: 10 функции за вибрация и надуване Водоустойчивост: Да Зареждане: USB акумулатор Материал: силикон Цвят: Черен Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:...

Параметри на продукта

Pretty love - pretty love bottom

Параметри на продукта

Pretty love - pretty love bottom

Описание на продукта

  • Функция: 10 функции за вибрация и надуване
  • Водоустойчивост: Да
  • Зареждане: USB акумулатор
  • Материал: силикон
  • Цвят: Черен

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:

Anal plug with perfect shape for beginners and experts! It can be inflated with the handy ball pump to get really plump and thick for an impressive feeling of fullness or to perfectly train the anus. The user will feel really full when this amazing plug is inserted. The vibrations also add an extra level of stimulation. The soft, velvety surface helps it slide on very easily, while the stopper prevents too much from entering. Releasing the air is also quick and easy. The plug is also waterproof and therefore a fantastic companion in the bath or shower.

The anal plug with inflation function is an exciting innovation in the world of sex toys designed to take the anal experience to new levels of comfort and pleasure. This captivating toy combines the softness of the material and ergonomic shape with the ability to customize adjustment through inflation, offering a unique and satisfying experience.

Made from high-quality silicone, the anal plug features a soft, velvety texture that feels indulgent against the skin. Its conical design facilitates gradual insertion, allowing both beginners and more experienced users to enjoy anal pleasure comfortably and safely. The wide base ensures stability and prevents any unwanted movement during use, providing peace of mind and comfort.

The most notable feature of this anal plug is its inflation function. Equipped with an internal mechanism easily controlled by an inflation device, the user can adjust the size of the plug to their own pace and comfort level. This feature not only allows for easier insertion, but also offers the ability to experiment with different levels of fullness and expansion, tailoring the experience to each user's individual preferences.

This toy is also rechargeable via a USB cable, eliminating the need to change batteries and providing a sustainable and convenient option. Water resistance makes it easy to clean and expands exploration possibilities in aquatic environments, such as the shower or bathtub.


    Function: 10 vibration and inflation functions
  • Waterproof: Yes
  • Charging: USB Rechargeable
  • Material: Silicone
  • Color: Black

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