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Chilirose - chilirose costumes Бельо chilirose - cr 4631 set bodysuit nurse crotchless red l/xl

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: CR 4631 this bodysuit is the centerpiece of the costume and is Designed with an open crotch, making it provocative and sensual...
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Chilirose - chilirose costumes Бельо chilirose - cr 4631 set bodysuit nurse crotchless red l/xl
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Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: CR 4631 this bodysuit is the centerpiece of the costume and is Designed with an open crotch, making it provocative and sensual...

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Chilirose - chilirose costumes

Параметри на продукта

Chilirose - chilirose costumes

Описание на продукта

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:

CR 4631 this bodysuit is the centerpiece of the costume and is Designed with an open crotch, making it provocative and sensual. The body of the bodysuit is generally Designed with details that evoke the image of a nurse, such as closures or decorations that simulate medical uniforms.

The red stockings complement the outfit, adding a touch of color and sensuality. Red tights are a classic element in nurse costumes and add a vibrant contrast to the ensemble.

The stethoscope is an essential accessory to complete the nurse look. Although in this context it may be more decorative than functional, it adds authenticity to the costume and reinforces the medical theme. The cap is another distinctive element of the nurse uniform. In this case, it is Decorated with the red cross logo, which is an internationally recognized symbol associated with emergency medical services and healthcare. The hat adds a finishing touch to the outfit and reinforces the nurse image.


  • Nurse bodysuit costume - 4 parts
  • The set includes:
    • Open crotch bodysuit
    • Red stockings
    • Stethoscope
    • Cap with red cross logo
  • Available in S/M and L/XL
  • 90% Polyamide, 10%Elastane


The CHILROSE brand was created in 2008 and our mission is to offer sensual and exciting lingerie to our customers at a competitive price. Now in 2022, after 14 years, we are one of the leading exotic lingerie company and we have a large collection of sleepwear, dresses, robes, corsets, dresses, clothing clubbing and more. Our strict quality control guarantees our customers full satisfaction and makes selling a pleasure. We take special care in the selection of our materials and workmanship. We offer many fantastic new styles regularly and hope to positively surprise you every time.

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