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Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: Did you know that your skin is the body's biggest organ? We have 2m2 of skin, and the sense of touch is the only one that extends...
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Bijoux indiscrets - bijoux love cosmetiques Bijoux indiscrets - light my fire massage oil heat effect gum flavor
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Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: Did you know that your skin is the body's biggest organ? We have 2m2 of skin, and the sense of touch is the only one that extends...

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Bijoux indiscrets - bijoux love cosmetiques

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Bijoux indiscrets - bijoux love cosmetiques

Описание на продукта

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:

Did you know that your skin is the body's biggest organ? We have 2m2 of skin, and the sense of touch is the only one that extends over your entire body. Light My Fire warming oils are a tribute to caresses and massages. Gently caress and the temperature rises. Blow and surprise. It's time: kiss him and enjoy the irresistible favour on his skin. With Light My Fire, your lover is the best dessert in the world!



  • Irresistible flavors: Flavour bubblegum. And because our oils are edible, they turns their body into the best dessert in the world.
  • A very surprising warming effect: Its formula, 100% glycerin with ginseng, reacts with your skin's natural moisture and enhances the warming effect of the massage gel. Blood circulation is activated, and massages become very exciting appetisers.
  • Heat things up with a whisper: Once on the skin, whisper or blow gently to see how it boosts the temperature of the gel and increases the heating effect.
  • Natural and kissable: 100% natural and with food-grade aromas, it is edible and will turn your body into the most irresistible temptation, with NO SUGAR or GLUTEN.
  • Quality Guaranty: Our products are manufactured in Spain. 100% natural and plant based (no products of animal origin). They have not been tested on animals and contain no parabens or mineral oils-
  • Everyone plays!: Play, blow and kiss to no end. No sugars, no gluten and 100% vegetable based. So that everybody can try it. It's also compatible with the intimate area and latex condoms.
  • Everyone can play!: FREE OF ADDED SUGARS AND GLUTEN makes them suitable for celiacs and diabetics
  • Do you want to know a secret ?: Keep your Light My Fire gel in the refrigerator! Apply it cold to the skin. Begin with circular movements, blow to surprise and end by tasting it on your lover's skin
  • The perfect gift due to its design and packaging: Wrapped in packaging that sweeps you away, Light My Fire massage oils are the perfect gift.



  • Net weight: 100 ML
  • Weight with pack: 0.3770 kg
  • Made in Span
  • Expiration date: 12 months after opening. Glass bottle with anti-drip dispenser (manufactured in China)
  • Language:/en/en/FR/

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