PUMA Дамски футболни бутонки Puma Ultra 5 Ultimate Womens Firm Ground Football Boots - Purple/Wht/Org

Optimised for a better feel and faster play than ever before, the Puma Ultra 5 Ultimate Firm Ground Football Boots motivate and empower women to unleash their potential on the field...
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PUMA Дамски футболни бутонки Puma Ultra 5 Ultimate Womens Firm Ground Football Boots - Purple/Wht/Org
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Optimised for a better feel and faster play than ever before, the Puma Ultra 5 Ultimate Firm Ground Football Boots motivate and empower women to unleash their potential on the field...

Параметри на продукта


Параметри на продукта


Описание на продукта

Optimised for a better feel and faster play than ever before, the Puma Ultra 5 Ultimate Firm Ground Football Boots motivate and empower women to unleash their potential on the field. Crafted for bold and dynamic athletes, the synthetic upper with mesh inserts offers a breathable fit to the low-cut and slip-on construction.

With the FastTrax stud design, based on insights derived from academic research and traction studies, these boots deliver superior traction on firm ground surfaces while accelerating, cutting, and breaking, enabling the players to perform at their best. Offering a supportive frame, the PWRTAPE SQD is coupled with NanoGrip technology - stabilising the foot inside the boot and enabling more freedom of movement. Equipped with an OrthoLite heel cushioning for better lockdown, the full lace fastening ensures a secure fit. Signed off with a striking pattern all-over the FormStrip for an eye-catching look, this pair are perfect whether you're a seasonal athlete or stepping onto the field for the first time.

Upper: Synthetic. Lining: 80% Textile. Sole: Synthetic.
Care: Refer to product label.

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