Speedo Детски бански костюм Speedo All-In-One Sun Suit Infants - Black/Green

Whether your child is playing on the beach or making a splash in the pool, the Speedo Infants All-In-One Sun Suit is the perfect companion to ensure they can enjoy the sun without worry...
55,99 лв.
Доставка 3,99 лв.,В рамките на 2 седмици
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Speedo Детски бански костюм Speedo All-In-One Sun Suit Infants - Black/Green
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариант3,99 лв.0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Whether your child is playing on the beach or making a splash in the pool, the Speedo Infants All-In-One Sun Suit is the perfect companion to ensure they can enjoy the sun without worry...

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Параметри на продукта


Описание на продукта

Whether your child is playing on the beach or making a splash in the pool, the Speedo Infants All-In-One Sun Suit is the perfect companion to ensure they can enjoy the sun without worry. Straight from Speedo's learn-to-swim range, this sun suit embodies the brand's commitment to aquatic excellence and innovation.

Designed with beach holidays and fun water adventures in mind, this all-in-one suit provides full coverage and SPF40+ fabric sun protection, ensuring your little one stays safe under the sun's powerful rays. Thanks to the zip-up back, wet-and-dry changing has never been easier, making transitions a breeze. Crafted from Speedo's Endurance10 fabric, this all-in-one delivers superior chlorine resistance compared to standard swimwear fabrics, while the CREORA® HighClo technology ensures a sleek and snug fit that lasts season after season. But that's not all - this swimming suit features a fearless fire-breathing dragon character and a vibrant dragon panel print, instantly capturing your child's imagination and ensuring they will always be happy to put on their swimsuit.

Please see the garment label for specific composition and care label details.

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