PUMA Детски футболни бутонки Puma Future 7 Match Rush Childrens Firm Ground Football Boots - White/Blue/Pink

Get your little one ready to conquer the pitch with the Puma Future 7 Match Rush Football Boots. Designed for mid-cut performance, these boots combine a fusion of lightweight mesh,...
83,99 лв.
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PUMA Детски футболни бутонки Puma Future 7 Match Rush Childrens Firm Ground Football Boots - White/Blue/Pink
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Get your little one ready to conquer the pitch with the Puma Future 7 Match Rush Football Boots. Designed for mid-cut performance, these boots combine a fusion of lightweight mesh,...

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Описание на продукта

Get your little one ready to conquer the pitch with the Puma Future 7 Match Rush Football Boots. Designed for mid-cut performance, these boots combine a fusion of lightweight mesh, stretchy knit, and supporting TAPE in their FUZIONFIT upper. Designed with embossed details strategically placed in key ball contact zones, their touch and control will reach new heights. The heel padding in these boots keeps their feet locked in and comfortable, while the lace closure provides a secure fit throughout the game. The dynamic motion system, coupled with an advanced stud configuration, ensures perfect support, traction, and agility on any surface. With a regular to wide fit, they are suitable for natural surfaces and artificial grass, making them versatile for all game scenarios. To complete the design, the boots are adorned with the iconic Puma cat logo on the front and the side for an authentic touch and brand appeal. Please refer to the product label for the full composition and care instructions.

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