PUMA Детски футболни бутонки Puma King Match Childrens Firm Ground Football Boots - White/Blue/Grey

Perfect for young champions ready to conquer the field, the Puma King Match Children's Firm Ground Football Boots are designed to ignite their passion for the game. Crafted with a low...
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PUMA Детски футболни бутонки Puma King Match Childrens Firm Ground Football Boots - White/Blue/Grey
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Perfect for young champions ready to conquer the field, the Puma King Match Children's Firm Ground Football Boots are designed to ignite their passion for the game. Crafted with a low...

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Описание на продукта

Perfect for young champions ready to conquer the field, the Puma King Match Children's Firm Ground Football Boots are designed to ignite their passion for the game. Crafted with a low profile upper for freedom of movement when taking that all-important shot, the recycled synthetic and textile membrane marries sustainability with high performance.

Set upon a recycled TPU sole adorned with conical studs, these kids football boots provide traction on firm and artificial grass pitches. Secured with a full lace fastening for a secure fit, the eye-catching gradient pattern on the formstip adds a touch of style to their football kit. Complete with 'King' branding on the textile tongue, these firm ground football boots provide your young ones with the confident to unleash their potential with every kick, dribble and goal.

Upper: Synthetic. Lining: Textile. Sole: TPU
Care: Refer to product label.

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