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EPIC Дилдо epic - basilisk dildo double scaly pleasure small size

48 mm гланц за интензивна и прецизна стимулация. 40 mm дилдо за удобно и приятно проникване. 100 mm основа за сигурно захващане по време на употреба. Въвеждаща дължина от 130...
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EPIC Дилдо epic - basilisk dildo double scaly pleasure small size
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Описание на продукта

48 mm гланц за интензивна и прецизна стимулация. 40 mm дилдо за удобно и приятно проникване. 100 mm основа за сигурно захващане по време на употреба. Въвеждаща дължина от 130...

Параметри на продукта


Параметри на продукта


Описание на продукта

  • 48 mm гланц за интензивна и прецизна стимулация.
  • 40 mm дилдо за удобно и приятно проникване.
  • 100 mm основа за сигурно захващане по време на употреба.
  • Въвеждаща дължина от 130 mm и обща дължина от 180 mm, за да отговори на вашите нужди.
  • Тегло от 380 g осигурява балансирано и възнаграждаващо усещане.

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:

Explore new dimensions of pleasure with Basilisk, the silicone dildo from the EPIC CYBERSILICOCK brand inspired by Greek mythology! Its striking colors and unique design will transport you to the legends of Olympus.



  • 48 mm glans for intense and precise stimulation.
  • 40 mm dildo shaft for comfortable and pleasurable penetration.
  • 100 mm base for a secure grip during use.
  • Introducable length of 130 mm and total length of 180 mm to meet your needs.
  • 380g weight provides a balanced and rewarding feel.

Let yourself be carried away by the legendary power of Basilisk from EPIC CYBERSILICOCK!



Welcome to the universe of EPIC CYBERSILICOCK, where passion meets innovation and Greek mythology comes to life in a way never seen before. We are more than just a sex toy brand; We are the epitome of modern pleasure, fusing exceptional craftsmanship with unbridled imagination.

Immerse yourself in a world of divine desire with our silicone masturbators and dildos that will transport you to the epic stories of ancient Greece. Each EPIC CYBERSILICOCK product is Meticulously designed to offer a unique sensory experience, using the most advanced silicone technology to ensure an unparalleled feeling of softness and realism.

Our collection is inspired by the myths and legends of Greek mythology, where gods and mythical creatures come to life in strange and shocking forms. Our designs challenge the conventions of conventional pleasure and invite you to explore new horizons of ecstasy.

But innovation doesn't stop there. Some of our products have advanced features, such as remote control, that allow you to customize your pleasure experience with the ease of one touch. Imagine controlling the intensity and rhythm of your sensations with the push of a button, surrendering to pleasure with the skill of a god.

And, of course, aesthetics are equally important to us. Our products are available in a variety of bold colors that awaken your senses, from the golden glow of the sun to the mysterious blue of the Aegean Sea. And our shapes are as striking as the stories of Greek mythology, with sensual curves and bold contours that invite you to explore your wildest fantasies.

Get ready for an epic experience like no other. Join us on the journey to ultimate pleasure with EPIC CYBERSILICOCK, where Greek mythology meets modern technology to create a world of infinite desire. Are you ready to enter the realm of the gods of pleasure?

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