Steinberg Dorico Crossgrade EDU (Latest educational version) (Dorico Crossgrade EDU)

Dorico crossgrade extended until further notice Due to the popularity of the crossgrade offer to our Dorico notation software, we are extending this offer until further notice, allowing...
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Steinberg Dorico Crossgrade EDU (Latest educational version) (Dorico Crossgrade EDU)
В наличност • Един вариант5,00 лв.0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Dorico crossgrade extended until further notice Due to the popularity of the crossgrade offer to our Dorico notation software, we are extending this offer until further notice, allowing...

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Описание на продукта

Dorico crossgrade extended until further notice Due to the popularity of the crossgrade offer to our Dorico notation software, we are extending this offer until further notice, allowing more Sibelius and Finale users to take advantage of the special pricing to experience the future of scoring first-hand. Please note that, effective 1 October 2017, PreSonus Notion is no longer a qualifying product for the Dorico crossgrade. Qualifying products include full retail or academic/educational licenses for Sibelius and Finale; additionally, Sibelius users who have had an active monthly subscription for more than 12 months also qualify. No version of PreSonus Notion, its cut-down versions (Protégé and Progression), or its iOS version qualifies. No cut-down version of Sibelius (Sibelius Student, Sibelius First, G7) or Finale (Allegro, PrintMusic, Songwriter, or Notepad) qualifies. In order to qualify for the educational price for the Dorico crossgrade, even if you hold an academic/educational license for your qualifying software, you must also be eligible for educational pricing under the criteria described here. You will be required to supply evidence that you hold a license for the qualifying product and, if appropriate, proof of eligibility for educational pricing when purchasing from the Steinberg Online Shop, or when purchasing from an authorized Steinberg reseller. Chord symbols Repeat ending (1st, 2nd time or volta) lines Fingerings Jazz articulations Rhythm slashes More flexible unpitched percussion notation Improvements to playback and support for third-party virtual instruments

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