Feast of the Dragon The Unofficial House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones Cookbook

Feast of the Dragon brings the excitement of Westeros to your kitchen, with dozens of delicious recipes inspired by Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Now the time has come:...
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Feast of the Dragon The Unofficial House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones Cookbook
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Feast of the Dragon brings the excitement of Westeros to your kitchen, with dozens of delicious recipes inspired by Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Now the time has come:...

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Titan Books

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Titan Books

Описание на продукта

Feast of the Dragon brings the excitement of Westeros to your kitchen, with dozens of delicious recipes inspired by Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon.

Now the time has come: HBO's House of the Dragon delves into Westeros anew, based on the work of fantasy maestro George R. R. Martin. Fire will reign in your kitchen as you eat, drink, and feast in this vibrant world. Enjoy Sansa's Lemon Cake, Tywin Lannister's Oxtail Stew, Arya's Pilfered Tartlets, and Cersei's Bloody Sangria alongside your favourite characters, and relive moments in the show with the Blood Red Wedding Cake and more.

From the hearty House Lannister Golden Roast to the sophisticated Royal Cream Swans, you'll find meals for every occasion. Filled with fantastical creations such as Dragon Eggs, Feast of the Dragon will take you on a culinary journey through the rich, dangerous Westeros―as long as you survive the next banquet.

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