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Pipedreams - fetish fantasy series Fetish fantasy series - adjustable harness realistic penis 28 cm

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: Havent you always wanted to feel more confident about your size and enjoy satisfying sex with your partner long enough for both...
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Pipedreams - fetish fantasy series Fetish fantasy series - adjustable harness realistic penis 28 cm
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Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: Havent you always wanted to feel more confident about your size and enjoy satisfying sex with your partner long enough for both...

Параметри на продукта

Pipedreams - fetish fantasy series

Параметри на продукта

Pipedreams - fetish fantasy series

Описание на продукта

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:

Havent you always wanted to feel more confident about your size and enjoy satisfying sex with your partner long enough for both of you to orgasm? Your lover knows that size does matter. It matters, and nothing can fulfill your fantasies and please your partner like a confident man. the same one who knows what is doing! 

Now you can have the length and girth youve always dreamed of and be all the man you can be with the hollow harness with 11 balls. from Fetish Fantasy Series.  ¡Say goodbye to embarrassing midway disappointments and hello to a satisfying smile from your lover! 

The comfortable elastic harness easily adjusts to fit most sizes, while the phthalate-free PVC dildo will reach up to 10 inches long. Its perfect for men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation problems, or anyone looking to simply add something extra to their next encounter. Best of all The thing is that you can still enjoy hot face-to-face sex and make sure you both cum even if hes already done. or you cant do it!

The dildo is body safe, latex-free, and compatible with water- and silicone-based lubricants. Cleanup is a breeze after the fun with the dildo cleaner. Pipedream toys and warm water.



  • Enjoy uninterrupted face-to-face sex until you both reach climax!
  • Realistic handmade textures offer realistic feelings
  • Super stretch harness comfortably fits all sizes up to 52
  • Heavy-duty metal hardware keeps dildo securely in place



  • Total length: 29 cm - 11.4 inch
  • Diameter: 4.8 cm
  • Insertable length: 27.9 cm
  • Material: PVC | ABS | Elastic


For the past 20 years, Pipedream Products has created and developed some of the best-selling novelty products in the world. These products include realistic toys and vibrations, but also a wide range of gags, lotions, fetish items and gifts. Pipedream is an American brand founded in 1973, which does not need many introductions, with more than 40 years in the erotic toys sector, currently it is the largest manufacturer of erotic products in the world, occupying not only first place in manufacturing but also in sales, with headquarters in California. Pioneers in marketing BDSM products, in fact they are the number 1 brand in sales of products for the introduction to Bondage. Pipedream encompasses more than 35 erotic brands and has accumulated more than 70 awards for its quality and innovation.

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