PUMA Футболни бутонки Puma King Match Soft Ground Football Boots - Black/White

Feel the power and grace of the game with the Puma King Match Soft Ground Football Boots for adults. Puma, a brand synonymous with passion and excellence, is committed to connecting...
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PUMA Футболни бутонки Puma King Match Soft Ground Football Boots - Black/White
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Feel the power and grace of the game with the Puma King Match Soft Ground Football Boots for adults. Puma, a brand synonymous with passion and excellence, is committed to connecting...

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Описание на продукта

Feel the power and grace of the game with the Puma King Match Soft Ground Football Boots for adults. Puma, a brand synonymous with passion and excellence, is committed to connecting fans worldwide and celebrating the spirit of football.

The fully synthetic upper material of these boots is designed for durability and performance, ensuring they withstand the demands of rigorous play. The regular fit provides comfort without compromising on support and stability. With the innovative K-BETTER upper material, you can experience enhanced control and precision with every touch, allowing you to dominate the pitch. Step into these boots with ease, thanks to the knitted low-cut slip-on construction that ensures a comfortable fit. The lightweight removable sock liner adds an extra layer of cushioning, allowing you to focus on the game without distractions. Designed for use on soft natural surfaces, these boots are your perfect companion for unleashing your skills on the pitch. They combine functionality with timeless style, incorporating the forever classic Puma King design.

Embrace the spirit of the game and make your mark on the field with the Puma King Match Soft Ground Football Boots. Join a global community of passionate football enthusiasts and experience the pride and sense of belonging that comes with wearing the Puma brand.

Composition: Upper: 100% Synthetic. Lining: 64.66% Textile, 35.34% Synthetic. Outsole: 100% Synthetic. Care: See the manufacturer's guidelines for care instructions.

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