PUMA Футболни бутонки Puma Ultra Pro Firm Ground Football Boots - Black/Rose

Introducing the Puma Ultra Pro Firm Ground Football Boots for adults, a game-changing footwear designed to elevate your performance on the pitch. With unwavering passion for the beautiful...
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PUMA Футболни бутонки Puma Ultra Pro Firm Ground Football Boots - Black/Rose
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Introducing the Puma Ultra Pro Firm Ground Football Boots for adults, a game-changing footwear designed to elevate your performance on the pitch. With unwavering passion for the beautiful...

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Описание на продукта

Introducing the Puma Ultra Pro Firm Ground Football Boots for adults, a game-changing footwear designed to elevate your performance on the pitch. With unwavering passion for the beautiful game, Puma is dedicated to empowering players and celebrating the spirit of football.

Experience high-quality speed and agility with the Ultra Pro Firm Ground Football Boots. The ULTRAWEAVE upper provides a lightweight construction, allowing you to move swiftly and effortlessly past your opponents. The reinforced GripControl Pro skin technology grants you unrivalled traction against the ball, ensuring optimum control and precision with every touch. Constructed with a knitted high-rise collar, these boots work as a second skin, wrapping snugly around your ankle for a comfortable and supportive fit. The moulded studs complete the design, offering enhanced stability and grip on firm ground surfaces. Imagine the feeling of effortlessly gliding across the field, leaving your rivals in awe of your skills.

Whether it's a high-intensity match or an intense training session, the Puma Ultra Pro Firm Ground Football Boots are designed to elevate your game and help you achieve greatness. With the iconic Puma branding as a testament to the brand's legacy of excellence, these boots are more than just footwear – they represent the pride and belonging of the global football community.

Composition: Upper: 73.18% synthetic, 26.82% textile. Lining: 74.84% textile, 25.16% synthetic. Sole: synthetic. Care: See the manufacturer's guide for care instructions.

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