PUMA Футболни бутонки Puma Ultra Ultimate Firm Ground Football Boots - Black/Asphalt

Ignite your football game and soar towards victory with the Puma Ultra Ultimate Firm Ground Football Boots. As a brand that lives and breathes football, Puma is committed to elevating...
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PUMA Футболни бутонки Puma Ultra Ultimate Firm Ground Football Boots - Black/Asphalt
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Ignite your football game and soar towards victory with the Puma Ultra Ultimate Firm Ground Football Boots. As a brand that lives and breathes football, Puma is committed to elevating...

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Описание на продукта

Ignite your football game and soar towards victory with the Puma Ultra Ultimate Firm Ground Football Boots. As a brand that lives and breathes football, Puma is committed to elevating your performance on the pitch, and these boots are no exception. The lightweight ULTRAWEAVE upper of these boots creates a streamlined silhouette, allowing you to move with agility and precision. Designed to enhance durability, the reinforced PWRTAPE provides added stability and support, enabling quick changes of direction that leave your opponents in awe.

The dual-density SPEEDPLATE outsole draws inspiration from Puma track running spikes, delivering enhanced traction and agility on firm ground surfaces. With the Lightweight Dynamic Motion System, you can effortlessly navigate unpredictable movements and changes in pace, leaving defenders in your wake. Comfort is paramount, which is why these boots feature a flat lace closure for a secure fit and added comfort throughout the game. And of course, the signature Puma branding completes the look, a badge of honour that signifies you're part of a global community of passionate football fans. Designed for fierce and competitive occasions on firm ground, the Puma Ultra Ultimate Firm Ground Football Boots are your key to unlocking your full potential.

Composition: Upper: 95.51% Synthetic, 4.49% Textile. Lining: 66.40% Textile, 33.60% Synthetic. Outsole: 100% Synthetic. Care: Please follow care instructions.

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