Under Armour Футболни бутонки Under Armour Clone Magnetico Pro 2 Firm Ground Football Boots - Green

Unleash your full potential on the pitch with the innovative Under Armour Clone Magnetico Pro 2 Firm Ground Football Boots. Designed to be your ultimate performance ally, the UA CLONE...
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Under Armour Футболни бутонки Under Armour Clone Magnetico Pro 2 Firm Ground Football Boots - Green
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Unleash your full potential on the pitch with the innovative Under Armour Clone Magnetico Pro 2 Firm Ground Football Boots. Designed to be your ultimate performance ally, the UA CLONE...

Параметри на продукта

Under Armour
Under Armour

Параметри на продукта

Under Armour
Under Armour

Описание на продукта

Unleash your full potential on the pitch with the innovative Under Armour Clone Magnetico Pro 2 Firm Ground Football Boots. Designed to be your ultimate performance ally, the UA CLONE upper and internal layer of flexible auxetic material create a customised fit that moulds to your foot like a second skin. This, combined with the form-fitting toe box, creates an unparalleled sensation of touch and control.

As you slip your foot into this technological marvel, the 3D moulded heel and updated collar provide a locked-in fit and ease of entry, granting you the freedom to manoeuvre with fearless agility. Engineered for firm ground play, these lace-up football shoes boast an innovative soleplate for enhanced acceleration and flexibility. Plus, with the blend of bladed and rounded conical studs, optimal traction is ensured, allowing you to dart and change direction without a second thought. Complete with the iconic UA logo at the heel, you will be ready to conquer any challenge, whether you are running drills in training or dribbling past defenders in a tournament.

Composition: Upper: synthetic. Sole: synthetic.
Care: follow care instructions.

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