Under Armour Футболни бутонки Under Armour Shadow Elite 2 Firm Ground Football Boots - Ivory Dune

Introducing the Under Armour Shadow Elite 2 Firm Ground Football Boots, the epitome of performance and innovation for the modern football player. Under Armour, a brand fueled by the...
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Under Armour Футболни бутонки Under Armour Shadow Elite 2 Firm Ground Football Boots - Ivory Dune
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Introducing the Under Armour Shadow Elite 2 Firm Ground Football Boots, the epitome of performance and innovation for the modern football player. Under Armour, a brand fueled by the...

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Under Armour
Under Armour

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Under Armour
Under Armour

Описание на продукта

Introducing the Under Armour Shadow Elite 2 Firm Ground Football Boots, the epitome of performance and innovation for the modern football player. Under Armour, a brand fueled by the passion for pushing boundaries and empowering athletes worldwide is here to elevate your game to new heights. Designed with a full UA IntelliKnit upper, these boots offer a second-skin fit that moulds to your foot, providing unparalleled comfort and support. The ergonomically simple design ensures a natural range of motion for light and flexible movement, allowing you to manoeuvre effortlessly on the field. The combination of localized stretch and a dynamic fit guarantees a secure and customized fit, giving you the confidence to perform at your best. With a high-quality foam lining inside the heel, stability and comfort are maximized, reducing the risk of discomfort or injury during intense gameplay. The strong TPU outsole is a game-changer, enabling quick and accurate changes in direction, empowering you to outmanoeuvre your opponents. The Charged Cushioning insole takes care of impact absorption, converting it into a responsive rebound, and enhancing your speed and agility. Complete with a standout two-tone colourway and the iconic Under Armour logo on the heel, these boots embody style and performance in one package. Whether you're playing on firm ground or competing at the highest level, the Under Armour Shadow Elite 2 Firm Ground Football Boots are designed for the occasion. Composition: Upper: Synthetic. Lining: Textile. Sole: Synthetic. Care: Follow care instructions.

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