Harry Potter Gryffindor House Edition Paperback Box Set

Celebrate all things Gryffindor with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Gryffindor...
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Celebrate all things Gryffindor with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Gryffindor...

Параметри на продукта

J. K. Rowling

Параметри на продукта

J. K. Rowling

Описание на продукта

Celebrate all things Gryffindor with this glorious paperback collection of the iconic House Editions. The beautifully crafted slipcase emblazoned with the house emblem the Gryffindor lion contains all seven novels from J. K. Rowling's classic series in a spectacular alternating colour scheme, with cover artwork and illustrations by celebrated Kate Greenaway Medal winner Levi Pinfold.

Home to the brave at heart, Gryffindor house has produced some of the most famous witches and wizards in history, not least the great wizard Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter himself. The seven lovingly designed covers are individually decorated with enchanting details that capture favourite house themes from each novel. Charming vignettes of the Gryffindor lion in a series of playful poses across the seven book spines complete the decoration scheme. An exclusive colour bookmark depicting house ghost Nearly Headless Nick makes for a highly collectable keepsake.

The seven books in this collection are accompanied by a magical miscellany of exciting feature articles, quizzes and fascinating fact files packed with trivia about the history and alumni of Gryffindor house - ideal to dip into and enjoy time and time again. More than twenty exclusive illustrations capture the magic of Gryffindor house and favourite characters - Harry, Ron and Hermione, Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black and many more ...

A must-have collection for Gryffindors young and old, this Gryffindor House Editions box set is the perfect tribute to the house famed for its courage, bravery and determination and is sure to be treasured for years to come.

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