A. VOGEL Хранителна добавка витамин Ц натурелен + Ацерола , A. Vogel Vitamin C Natural 40tabs

A. Vogel Vitamin C Organic 100% Absorbable Vitamin C from Fresh Acerola to Stimulate the Body and Strengthen the Immune System Vitamin C is a very important nutrient that supports...
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A. VOGEL Хранителна добавка витамин Ц натурелен + Ацерола , A. Vogel Vitamin C Natural 40tabs
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A. Vogel Vitamin C Organic 100% Absorbable Vitamin C from Fresh Acerola to Stimulate the Body and Strengthen the Immune System Vitamin C is a very important nutrient that supports...

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Описание на продукта

A. Vogel Vitamin C Organic 100% Absorbable Vitamin C
from Fresh Acerola to Stimulate the Body and Strengthen the Immune System
Vitamin C is a very important nutrient that supports many body functions, especially the immune system. This is probably one of our most popular plugins. However, did you know that the majority of vitamin C products available are synthetically produced?The body often does not recognize these factory-made vitamin C products as easily and has a hard time absorbing them.

Rich in naturally occurring vitamin C
Supports immune system function
Made from extracts from a wide variety of fruits
Chewable tablet
What is vitamin C?
In addition to providing benefits to the immune system, vitamin C also helps protect the body's cells from the oxidative (chemical) stresses we face on a daily basis, helping us feel less tired.

It also helps in the normal formation of collagen, which is important for the normal functioning of our blood vessels, bones, joint cartilage and gums, skin and teeth.

Our founder Alfred Vogel firmly believes that nature offers the best source of vitamin C. Nature-C contains a combination of extracts from a wide variety of fruits, all rich in natural vitamin C, which is recognized by your body and absorbed better .


Each tablet contains powdered dried juice of Acerola 480mg, Passionfruit 60mg, Seabuckthorn 10mg, Gooseberry 1mg, Blackcurrant 1mg, Lemon 0.5mg. Also contains fructose, corn starch and magnesium stearate (vegetable source) up to 1030mg.

1 tablet provides 100mg of natural bioavailable vitamin C.

Adults: 1 tablet twice a day.
Children: (6-12) years: 1 tablet daily.

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