Dahua IP видеорекордер Dahua NVR4104-P-EI, 4 канален, H. 265+/H. 265/H. 264+/H. 264/MJPEG, 1x SATA (до 16TB), 2x USB 2.0, 1x RJ-45, PoE, 1x HDMI, 1x VGA (NVR4104-EI)

Dahua NVR4104-EI   СPECIFICATION Standard: TCP/IPSupported resolutions: max. 16 Mpx - 4608 x 3472 pxVideo outputs: 1 pcs HDMI 4K 1 pcs VGAAudio support: 4 Channels -...
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Dahua IP видеорекордер Dahua NVR4104-P-EI, 4 канален, H. 265+/H. 265/H. 264+/H. 264/MJPEG, 1x SATA (до 16TB), 2x USB 2.0, 1x RJ-45, PoE, 1x HDMI, 1x VGA (NVR4104-EI)
В рамките на 3 дни • Един вариантБезплатно1194 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Dahua NVR4104-EI   СPECIFICATION Standard: TCP/IPSupported resolutions: max. 16 Mpx - 4608 x 3472 pxVideo outputs: 1 pcs HDMI 4K 1 pcs VGAAudio support: 4 Channels -...

Параметри на продукта


Параметри на продукта


Описание на продукта

Dahua NVR4104-EI



Standard: TCP/IPSupported resolutions: max. 16 Mpx - 4608 x 3472 pxVideo outputs: 1 pcs HDMI 4K
1 pcs VGAAudio support:
  • 4 Channels - Audio from cameras
  • Bi-directional audio streaming support
Audio inputs: 1 pcs CINCHAudio outputs: 1 pcs CINCHImage compression method: Smart H. 265+ / H. 265 / Smart H. 264+ / H. 264 / MJPEGBitrate: max. 80 MbpsSupported hard drives: 1 x 16 TB SATARecording modes: Manual, Motion Detection, ScheduleExternal storage devices backup: Backup to USB drive (pendrive, external drive)Searching and playback the records:
  • Records searching: by time and events type. Records playback: forward, backward, fast, slow
  • Advanced searching (to the one second accuracy)
  • Smart Playback function
  • Records playback from max. 4 channels in the same time @ 8 Mpx (without AI)
  • Records playback from max. 4 channels in the same time @ 5 Mpx (AI)
Network interface: 1 x RJ-45 10/100 Base-TXNetwork functions: Full support via network, Remote records copying, Web-Server built-inNetwork protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP/IP, IPv4/IPv6, UPnP, SNMP, UDP, SMTP, NTP, DHCP, DNS, IP Filter, PPPoE, DDNS, FTP, Alarm Server, IP Search, P2P, Auto RegisterONVIF: 22.06 Default IP address: 192.168. 1.108 Default admin user / password: admin / -
The administrator password should be set at the first startMobile phones support:

Port no. : 37777 or access by a cloud (P2P)

  • Android: Free application DMSS
  • iOS (iPhone): Free application DMSS 

    See how to configure the P2P function in Dahua recorders and how to enable the mobile application
Web browser access ports: 80, 37777 PC client access ports: 37777 Mobile client access ports: 37777 RTSP URL:
  • rtsp://admin:hasł[email protected]. 1.108:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subt ype=0 - Main stream
  • rtsp://admin:hasł[email protected] 68. 1.108:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subt ype=1 - Sub stream
USB: 2 pcs USB 2.0Serial ports: NoAlarm inputs / outputs: NoPTZ control: IP Speed Dome CamerasMotion Detection: YesIntelligent image analysis: YesMain features:
  • Intelligent image analysis : crossing the line (tripwire), intrusion, scene changing, face detection
  • SMD PLUS - searching for an object classified as: human, motor vehicle
  • Filtering of false alarms based on the recognition of persons and vehicles
  • Quick Pick - AI technology enabling, together with the recorder, quick identification of interesting objects (people/vehicles) based on an artificial intelligence algorithm. It allows to extract and compare the colors of clothes and vehicles
  • Face recognition
  • Face analysis: determination of sex, age and characteristic elements of appearance (glasses, facial hair, mask)
  • Support for up to 10 face databases, including 20 000 face images
  • In the base other than face photography, can also be stored such information as: name, sex, date of birth, nationality, address, ID number
  • Intelligent face search by metadata of different targets or uploading pictures of faces to the device and comparing them with recorded faces by similarity
  • Privacy zones

    Functions implemented in cooperation between the recorder and cameras that support these functions :

  • ANPR
  • people counting
  • heat map
Mouse support: YesIR remote controller in the set: NoPower supply: 12 V DC / 2 A (power adapter included)Power consumption: max. 10 W (without HDD)Operation temp: -10 °C ... 55 °CWeight: 0.45 kgDimensions: 206  x 205  x 46 mm

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