Under Armour Юношески панталони Under Armour Woven Pants Juniors - Black/Mod Grey

Let your youngster fuel their passion for performance with Under Armour's Woven Pants. Made from durable polyester, these pants are equipped with Storm technology that repels rain and...
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Under Armour Юношески панталони Under Armour Woven Pants Juniors - Black/Mod Grey
В рамките на 2 седмици • Един вариантБезплатно0 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

Let your youngster fuel their passion for performance with Under Armour's Woven Pants. Made from durable polyester, these pants are equipped with Storm technology that repels rain and...

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Under Armour

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Under Armour

Описание на продукта

Let your youngster fuel their passion for performance with Under Armour's Woven Pants. Made from durable polyester, these pants are equipped with Storm technology that repels rain and snow, keeping them dry and comfortable no matter the weather conditions. The lightweight and breathable Storm fabric ensures optimal airflow during intense workouts, making it feel like a second skin. Designed to be the ultimate warm-up gear, these full-length pants feature a mid-rise and skinny fit offering a classic appeal, while the elasticated adjustable drawstring waist provides a personalised, secure fit. The zipped cuffs offer easy on and off wear, while the two side pockets provide convenient storage options.

Designed with side panelling in a contrasting colour and the Under Armour brand logo on the side adding a touch of athletic flair, your young one will be stepping out in style. Whether they are hanging out with friends or simply wanting to upgrade their athleisure attire, the Under Armour Woven Pants are the ideal companion for superior style, comfort, and performance.

Follow care instructions.

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