Microsoft Lenovo Windows Server Essentials 2022 to 2019 Downgrade Kit (7S050067WW)

LENOVO Windows Server Essentials 2022 to 2019 Downgrade Kit-Multilanguage ROK div. datasheetsfont-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 10pt;min-width: 500px; div...

Описание на продукта

LENOVO Windows Server Essentials 2022 to 2019 Downgrade Kit-Multilanguage ROK div. datasheetsfont-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 10pt;min-width: 500px; div...

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Windows Server

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Продуктова линия
Windows Server

Описание на продукта

LENOVO Windows Server Essentials 2022 to 2019 Downgrade Kit-Multilanguage ROK

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LENOVO Windows Server Essentials 2022 to 2019 Downgrade Kit-Multilanguage ROK

  ManufacturerLENOVOManufacturer Part No7S050067WW Marketing DescriptionNo matter where you want to take your organization, get there with Windows Server 2019 - the operating system that enables hybrid scenarios and maximizes existing investments. Product Features
  • Advanced multilayer security
    Elevate your security posture by protecting the data center, starting with the operating system.
  • Unprecedented hyper-converged infrastructure
    Evolve your data center infrastructure to achieve greater efficiency and security.
GeneralOperating SystemMicrosoft Windows Server 2019 Essentials - downgrade from Microsoft Windows Server Essentials 2022Product TypeDowngrade licence and mediaLanguageMultilingualLicencingLicenc e Type1 licenceLicensing ProgramReseller Option Kit (ROK)Technical data provided by third party. We assume no liability for errors within these data.

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