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Id lubricantes - id pleasure Лубрикант id pleasure - water based lubricant tinging sensation travel tube 60 ml

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: Exciting stimulation! ID Pleasure is here for those who love the quality of ID Glide with added stimulation !! A water-based...
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Id lubricantes - id pleasure Лубрикант id pleasure - water based lubricant tinging sensation travel tube 60 ml
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Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: Exciting stimulation! ID Pleasure is here for those who love the quality of ID Glide with added stimulation !! A water-based...

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Id lubricantes - id pleasure

Параметри на продукта

Id lubricantes - id pleasure

Описание на продукта

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:

Exciting stimulation! ID Pleasure is here for those who love the quality of ID Glide with added stimulation !!

A water-based lubricant with a tingling sensation that will add a whole new layer of excitement to your bedroom escapades.

Fill your intimate moments with a surge of pleasure as you experience one of our most exclusive personal lubricants.

The tingling sensation of this lubricant will invariably have you spinning with pleasure as you dive headfirst into the excitement. Make your next night of passion full of excitement and adventure with ID Pleasure.

ID Pleasure uses the same water-based formula as ID Glide but with added natural botanical extracts of gingko biloba and red clover to increase stimulation of the applied area.

In turn, the sensation during intercourse or masturbation is enhanced. Due to the unique sensation that is present in our lubricant, it also greatly enhances the stimulation of your nether regions. A sure way to get things started in the bedroom with a bang, our lubricant is here to show you the meaning of the word pleasure. As well as being a fantastic personal lubricant to use with your partner or alone, Pleasure is also great to use with your toys.

Use it with latex or silicone toys and enjoy your time having fun with them like never before.

Don't worry about spills, as this lubricant is stain-free and cleans most fabrics with a simple wash.

With so many benefits, it's easy to see why this lubricant has become so popular with our customers. Add this to your must-have list and enjoy the sexual bliss that is sure to follow. Keep ID Pleasure on hand for those more playful moments!

ID has been manufacturing personal lubricants since 1993 and are experts in the field. IDs quality lubricants are specially formulated to increase personal pleasure and comfort for a memorable intimate experience. Whether used alone or with or without condoms, ID lubricants are designed to reduce friction. When using condoms, proper lubrication helps prolong the integrity of the condom and increase overall stimulation.

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