Take on the roles of Marvel’s most famous Super Heroes — or create entirely new ones — and put an end to the sinister plots of the most menacing Super Villains in the Marvel Multiverse!...
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В рамките на една седмица • Един вариант6,00 лв.95 % • 2846 мненияДанни на магазина
Описание на продукта
Take on the roles of Marvel’s most famous Super Heroes — or create entirely new ones — and put an end to the sinister plots of the most menacing Super Villains in the Marvel Multiverse!...
Параметри на продукта
Matt Forbeck
Параметри на продукта
Matt Forbeck
Описание на продукта
Take on the roles of Marvel’s most famous Super Heroes — or create entirely new ones — and put an end to the sinister plots of the most menacing Super Villains in the Marvel Multiverse!
Welcome to the Marvel Multiverse! Written by d616 System co-creator and New York Times-bestseller Matt Forbeck (The Marvel Encyclopedia, Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeonology) and packed with illustrations by Marvel’s incredible army of artists, the Core Rulebook features all the rules you need to play — including quick character creation, bombastic combat and scores of amazing powers — plus full profiles of dozens of Marvel’s greatest heroes and villains. All you need is this book, three standard dice and some friends. The Marvel Multiverse is calling! Come join the fun!
Welcome to the Marvel Multiverse! Written by d616 System co-creator and New York Times-bestseller Matt Forbeck (The Marvel Encyclopedia, Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeonology) and packed with illustrations by Marvel’s incredible army of artists, the Core Rulebook features all the rules you need to play — including quick character creation, bombastic combat and scores of amazing powers — plus full profiles of dozens of Marvel’s greatest heroes and villains. All you need is this book, three standard dice and some friends. The Marvel Multiverse is calling! Come join the fun!
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В рамките на една седмица • Един вариант6,00 лв.95 % • 2846 мненияДанни на магазина
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