KORRES Мек душ гел за цялото семейство , Korres Ocean Size Hug Kids Shower Gel, 400ml

KORRES OCEAN SIZE HUG 400ML Soft shower gel that cleans and washes gently without causing irritation, ideal for the daily needs of the whole family. Thanks to its special composition...
23,50 лв.
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KORRES Мек душ гел за цялото семейство , Korres Ocean Size Hug Kids Shower Gel, 400ml
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Описание на продукта

KORRES OCEAN SIZE HUG 400ML Soft shower gel that cleans and washes gently without causing irritation, ideal for the daily needs of the whole family. Thanks to its special composition...

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Описание на продукта


Soft shower gel that cleans and washes gently without causing irritation, ideal for the daily needs of the whole family. Thanks to its special composition with mild detergents, soap, it maintains the pH balance of children's sensitive skin and is suitable for daily use. Enriched with aloe and provitamin B5, it cleanses without drying the skin, leaving it smooth and soft. Easy to rinse and a distinctive aroma for a pleasant bath.

Suitable for children over 3 years old /

Dermatologically tested

NATURAL INGREDIENTS Aloe Prevents dehydration of sensitive baby skin. Offers a moisturizing, soothing effect. Water proteins - antioxidant and nourishing care for the skin, strengthening and improving the elasticity of the hair. Provitamin B5 Provides a soothing and long-lasting moisturizing effect on the skin and hair. VITAMIN B3 Moisturizes and soothes sensitive skin. It balances the skin's moisture levels while promoting healthy hair growth BETAIN / Smooths , protects the skin and reduces percutaneous water loss, leaving a velvety feel. bioactive complex of green tea & acorns / protects against irritation and itching. AMYDALALEE / Offers intensive nourishment, has a softening and soothing effect, prevents and reduces irritation, soothes the skin.  

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