Oz Clarke Pocket Wine Book 2014 2014: 7500 Wines, 4000 Producers, Vintage Charts, Wine and Food

Състояние: Отлично Забележка: Нова, неизползвана книга. Издателство: Pavillion Books Град на издаване: London Наличност: singular Ширина (мм): 105 Височина (мм): 195 Дебелина...
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Oz Clarke Pocket Wine Book 2014 2014: 7500 Wines, 4000 Producers, Vintage Charts, Wine and Food
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Описание на продукта

Състояние: Отлично Забележка: Нова, неизползвана книга. Издателство: Pavillion Books Град на издаване: London Наличност: singular Ширина (мм): 105 Височина (мм): 195 Дебелина...

Параметри на продукта

Година на издаване

Параметри на продукта

Година на издаване

Описание на продукта

Състояние: Отлично
Забележка: Нова, неизползвана книга.
Издателство: Pavillion Books
Град на издаване: London
Наличност: singular
Ширина (мм): 105
Височина (мм): 195
Дебелина (мм): 20
Корици: Твърди


The must-have reference book for wine lovers Completely revised & updated for 2014

Oz Clarke Pocket Wine Book has more information, more recommendations, more passion and opinion than any other comparable guide to wine

Easy to use A—Z organization: wines and wine styles, producers, grapes, wine regions and countries, with an index of over 4500 producers

LIp-to-date vintage information and handy charts

Oz’s personal favourites: 20 lists of different wines to try


You can't hold all the wine information you need in your head, but with this handy guide you can be sure it is available whenever you want it. Indispensable as ever, Oz Clarke's now classic Pocket Wine Book is in its 22nd edition and is meticulously updated each year. The book has more information, more recommendations, more facts, passion and opinion than any other comparable guide to wine. Organised in an easy-to-use A-Z format, the entries cover wines, producers, grapes and wine regions from all over the world. For optimum browsing, the guide includes a handy country by country index as well as a full producer index to help you find over 4000 of the world's top wine producers and their wines. Detailed vintage charts, with information on which of the world's top wines are ready for drinking in 2014, can be found on the inside front and back covers.


Known throughout the world for his phenomenal palate, irreverent style, accurate predictions and enthusiasm for life in general and wine in particular, Oz Clarke is Britain’s most popular wine writer. He is the author of a collection of bestselling wine books and his BBC television and radio broadcasts keep audiences spellbound and entertained.

‘ The witty Oz Clarke is also a terrific taster’
Robert Parker

‘[Clarke] communicates well with any novice and knowledgeable wine expert alike. ’

‘Clarke is something of a phenomenon in the wine world. '

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