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Pipedreams - pdx plus+ Pdx plus - stroker discreet design shampoo bottle soothing scrub caramel

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: Are you tired of compromising your self-care routine? Then, take charge and up your pleasure game with Shower Therapy   Designed...
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Pipedreams - pdx plus+ Pdx plus - stroker discreet design shampoo bottle soothing scrub caramel
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Описание на продукта

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: Are you tired of compromising your self-care routine? Then, take charge and up your pleasure game with Shower Therapy   Designed...

Параметри на продукта

Pipedreams - pdx plus+

Параметри на продукта

Pipedreams - pdx plus+

Описание на продукта

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:

Are you tired of compromising your self-care routine? Then, take charge and up your pleasure game withShower Therapy  Designed exclusively for discerning gentlemen like you. Designed with your privacy in mind, the Shower Therapy caresser was designed to mimic the appearance of a shampoo bottle. normal, so it will integrate Effortlessly in any bathroom environment, leaving no trace of suspicion.

No more prying eyes or raised eyebrows! The inner sleeve features a super detailed leather texture and an intricate inner tunnel lined with rows of pleasure nubs that will rock your world!

Made with our exclusive Fanta Flesh material, the Shower Therapy stroker looks great and feels like the real thing. Do you want to go hands-free? Then, screw on the powerful, adjustable suction cup and attach it to virtually any flat surface.




  • Realistic Case: Hyper-realistic details feel as good as they look!
  • Intricate tunnel design:Designed to give you maximum pleasure!
  • Flip-top suction control lid: Open or close the lid to control the suction level.
  • Suction cup included: Sticks to most surfaces and is adjustable for hands-free fun!
  • Discreet shower bottle design: Conveniently hide the bottle from view or store it in a suitcase and say goodbye to awkward encounters or situations.
  • Pro Tip: The holster has a hole in the bottom that is perfect for a vibrating bullet!


    • Product dimension: 20.7 x 8.5 cm
    • Total length: 20.7 cm
    • Diameter: 5.1 cm
    • Insertable length: 17.8 cm
    • Material: Polypropylene | TPE | ABS plastic | PVC | Stainless steel

    For the past 20 years, Pipedream Products has created and developed some of the best-selling novelty products in the world. These products include realistic toys and vibrations, but also a wide range of gags, lotions, fetish items and gifts. Pipedream is an American brand founded in 1973, which does not need many introductions, with more than 40 years in the erotic toys sector, currently it is the largest manufacturer of erotic products in the world, occupying not only first place in manufacturing but also in sales, with headquarters in California. Pioneers in marketing BDSM products, in fact they are the number 1 brand in sales of products for the introduction to Bondage. Pipedream encompasses more than 35 erotic brands and has accumulated more than 70 awards for its quality and innovation.

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