3mk Protection Протектор от закалено стъкло /Tempered Glass/ за задна камера, 3MK Lens Protection, за Samsung Galaxy S24+, 4бр. в опаковка

It protects against breakage Twice the resistance Compatible with: Samsung Galaxy S24+ Record without fear When you buy a new phone, do you also pay most attention to the...
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3mk Protection Протектор от закалено стъкло /Tempered Glass/ за задна камера, 3MK Lens Protection, за Samsung Galaxy S24+, 4бр. в опаковка
В наличност • Един вариант1194 мненияДанни на магазина

Описание на продукта

It protects against breakage Twice the resistance Compatible with: Samsung Galaxy S24+ Record without fear When you buy a new phone, do you also pay most attention to the...

Параметри на продукта

3mk Protection

Параметри на продукта

3mk Protection

Описание на продукта

It protects against breakage
Twice the resistance

Compatible with: Samsung Galaxy S24+

Record without fear
When you buy a new phone, do you also pay most attention to the camera? In the age of excellent smartphone cameras, digital cameras are not used anymore. However, daily use may affect the phone lenses, so protect it with Lens Protection Hybrid Glass.

You can’t predict what is just around the corner. Neither can we. That is why we provide the most reliable solution! We combined the flexibility of the film with the strength of the glass to create a non-cracking hybrid camera lens protection. Lens Protection strengthens the lens up to 200%.

You talk to your friends, put the phone down on the table not very gently and… Brr! Stop!
You don’t have to worry about scratching your camera anymore. Lens Protection provides scratch protection at 7H Wolf-Wilburn scale with an additional ceramic coating.

Almost invisible
We all value discretion in certain respects. Lens Protection is like a secret agent – unnoticeable. After all, the camera does not need additional exposure.
Hybrid glass is only 0.16 mm thick! It is so little that it is difficult to call this parameter thickness.

Type of protection
Protective foil

Scratch resistance (hardness)
up to 200%

0,16 mm

Technologies used
Oleophobic layer
Structure enriched with ceramic coatings
Adhesive Inviscid-Sil
Laser production technology

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