Jack Wills Суичър Jack Wills Kids Batsford Script Logo Hoodie - Grey Heather
Get ready to inspire your little one's casual collection with the Jack Wills Batsford Script Logo Hoodie. Crafted from soft fabric, this hoodie ensures a cosy and gentle feel that provides...
Get ready to inspire your little one's casual collection with the Jack Wills Batsford Script Logo Hoodie. Crafted from soft fabric, this hoodie ensures a cosy and gentle feel that provides...
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Jack Wills
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Jack Wills
Описание на продукта
Get ready to inspire your little one's casual collection with the Jack Wills Batsford Script Logo Hoodie. Crafted from soft fabric, this hoodie ensures a cosy and gentle feel that provides all-day comfort and warmth. The long sleeves offer extra coverage, keeping them ready for action in any weather. Equipped with an adjustable hood, this hoodie provides a personalized fit that protects them from the elements. The ribbed cuffs and hem not only deliver a secure and snug fit but also allow for unrestricted movement, letting them conquer their active adventures with ease. With a kangaroo pocket on the front, this hoodie offers a convenient place for your child to store their essentials or keep their little hands cosy. Designed in a solid colourway, this hoodie offers versatility, making it effortless to pair with the rest of their ensemble. To complete the design, the prominent Jack Wills logo print on the chest showcases the brand's commitment to timeless elegance and impeccable craftsmanship. Please refer to the garment label for the full composition and care instructions.
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