Kolink Umbra X 120mm ARGB High Performance PWM (KOLINK-FAN-LUKL-008)

Kolink UMBRA X 120mm PWM ARGB CASE FAN   Bring powerful cooling and style to your gaming PC with the Kolink Umbra X ARGB/PWM 120mm Fan. At 28mm thick, this fan’s design has been...

Описание на продукта

Kolink UMBRA X 120mm PWM ARGB CASE FAN   Bring powerful cooling and style to your gaming PC with the Kolink Umbra X ARGB/PWM 120mm Fan. At 28mm thick, this fan’s design has been...

Параметри на продукта

Диаметър на вентилатора
120 мм
Обороти на вентилатора
1600 об/мин
Максимално ниво на шум
24 dB
Въздушен поток
61 CFM
4 пин
LED осветление
120 x 120 x 28 мм

Параметри на продукта

Диаметър на вентилатора
120 мм
Обороти на вентилатора
1600 об/мин
Максимално ниво на шум
24 dB
Въздушен поток
61 CFM
4 пин
LED осветление
120 x 120 x 28 мм

Описание на продукта



Bring powerful cooling and style to your gaming PC with the Kolink Umbra X ARGB/PWM 120mm Fan. At 28mm thick, this fan’s design has been optimised to provide outstanding thermal performance and is built from premium components to ensure longevity. Naturally, the ARGB lighting with dual infinity mirror effects is what will make this fan the star of your gaming PC.


Kolink Umbra X ARGB PWM 120mm Fan Single Pack at a Glance:

  • Singlepack 120mm fan with ARGB lighting
  • 28mm thick to enhance performance
  • Hydraulic bearing for heightened durability
  • Infinity mirror effect lighting
  • Adjustable speed between 600 and 1600RPM
  • Maximum noise level of 24dBA


High Performance Fans

The Kolink Umbra X ARGB/PWM 120mm fans have been optimised to provide outstanding cooling performance. They have a thicker frame than standard fans, at 28mm thick, which allows the blades to move more air at slower speeds and, therefore, quieter volumes. Thanks to PWM control, you can adjust the speed between 600 and 1600RPM, depending on the current output of your PC.

The maximum airflow the Kolink Umbra X produces is 103.63m³/h (61CFM), with 2.46mmH2O static pressure. All of this makes just 24dBA of audible noise, for whisper-quiet performance no matter how hard you’re pushing your PC.


The fan is equipped with a hydraulic bearing. This lends great longevity to the component with a mean time between failure (MTBF) of 40,000 hours!


Infinite Lighting

Adding a vibrant splash of colour to your gaming PC, the Kolink Umbra X fans feature ARGB lighting. The fan blades are illuminated, creating a glow as they spin. On the fan frame, there are bold strips of lighting surrounding the blades, creating an impressive outline. The star feature of this lighting, however, are the infinity mirror effects integrated on the fan hub and frame edges. Thanks to the careful placement of mirrors, this lighting appears to go on for forever. An iconic aesthetic for your gaming PC.


Technical Details:

Dimensions: 120 x 120 x 28mm

Colour: Black (Frame), White (Fan blades)

Material: Plastic / Rubber

Sound Level: max. 24dB(A)

Speed: 600 to 1,600RPM

Airflow: max. 61CFM (103.63m³/h)

Static Pressure: max. 2.46mmH2O

Rated Current: 0.21A

Startup Voltage: 5V

Bearing: Hydraulic Bearing

MTBF: 40,000h


ARGB: 3-pin

Fan: 4-pin PWM

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