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CalExotics Вибратор calexotics - l. a love vibrator & sucker blue by california dreaming

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: The fun California Dreaming collection makes luxurious fantasies come true with the orgasmic LA Love. The powerful massager is...
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CalExotics Вибратор calexotics - l. a love vibrator & sucker blue by california dreaming
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Описание на продукта

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език: The fun California Dreaming collection makes luxurious fantasies come true with the orgasmic LA Love. The powerful massager is...

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Описание на продукта

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:

The fun California Dreaming collection makes luxurious fantasies come true with the orgasmic LA Love. The powerful massager is Ready to relive your favorite summer adventure fantasies with 10 intimate suction functions combined with 3 speeds of independent vibration and thrusting action. The sensual shaft features 3 speeds of thrusting and vibrating action to ensure you always hit the right spot. While the thrusting action and vibrations work their magic, the full-coverage suction tip gives you knee-shaking suction stimulation. The clitoral insert has 10 suction functions for wave after wave of orgasmic external stimulation. While the suction teases, the sensually shaped shaft and rounded tip provide deep thrusting and vibrating stimulation. The knee-shaking turns in this fun environment are not for the faint of heart! Triple power motors produce deep thrust, rumbling vibrations and powerful suction. Plug the provided USB cable into the self-sealing charging port to recharge your passion in 2.5 hours. Get excited with up to 90 minutes of intense pleasure. For effortless stimulation control, the sleek 3-button control panel allows you to independently operate the different pleasure options. The high-tech memory chip remembers exactly how you like it and resumes playback with the last function used.



  • Powerful massager with vibrating shaft and more intense thrusting and clitoral suction
  • 3 speeds of independent vibration and thrust action on shaft.
  • 10 independent intimate suction functions in the stimulator
  • triple engines
  • Body-safe silicone
  • Latest generation memory chip resumes with last used function
  • Travel Safety Lock Feature: Press and hold for 3 seconds to turn on or off
  • USB rechargeable: charging cable included
  • Full charge in 2.5 hours
  • Runs for 30 minutes at high speed and 90 minutes at low speed.
  • Dimensions: 14 x 3.75 cm axis | 5 x 2.5 cm stimulator


CalExotics has been steadily turning "fantasy into reality" for more than a decade. With unmatched attention to detail, CalExotics founder and owner Susan Colvin has made the California Exotic Novelty brand synonymous with Quality Adult Toys. The fact that CalExotics is a female-owned and operated company plays a major role in its meteoric rise to the top of the adult toy and novelty industry. .

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