Welcome to the Peculiar Antique Shop: The Art of Makura Kurama

The first collection of Makura Kurama's art. The world of Makura Kurama is full of darkness and beauty. The owners, guests, neighbors, and other characters that appear in the antique...
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Welcome to the Peculiar Antique Shop: The Art of Makura Kurama
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Описание на продукта

The first collection of Makura Kurama's art. The world of Makura Kurama is full of darkness and beauty. The owners, guests, neighbors, and other characters that appear in the antique...

Параметри на продукта

Makura Kurama (By (artist))

Параметри на продукта

Makura Kurama (By (artist))

Описание на продукта

The first collection of Makura Kurama's art.

The world of Makura Kurama is full of darkness and beauty. The owners, guests, neighbors, and other characters that appear in the antique shop suffer from grief, fear, or pain in their minds. The gothic-style costumes and motifs, such as skeletons, dolls, corpses, taxidermy, natural specimens, and of course love, lends a dark, fantastical atmosphere to the stories. But these stories never become incurable tragedies.

Makura Kurama’s refined brushwork and the sense of hope, of finding light in the darkness, always bring a redemptive element to the stories.

This book is the first art collection of Makura Kurama's work and includes short stories, comics, and illustrations. Even those who know Makura Kurama's work will be fascinated by these stories, which are never as despairing and painful as they first seem as they end in happiness. Why not ring the bell of a peculiar antique shop and see for yourself?

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