What to Eat Now: The Best of Autumn and Winter Eating

Състояние: Много добро Забележка: Отчислен библиотечен екземпляр, неизползвана книга. Издателство: Mitchel Beazley Град на издаване: London Наличност: singular Ширина (мм): 200...
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What to Eat Now: The Best of Autumn and Winter Eating
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Състояние: Много добро Забележка: Отчислен библиотечен екземпляр, неизползвана книга. Издателство: Mitchel Beazley Град на издаване: London Наличност: singular Ширина (мм): 200...

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Състояние: Много добро
Забележка: Отчислен библиотечен екземпляр, неизползвана книга.
Издателство: Mitchel Beazley
Град на издаване: London
Наличност: singular
Ширина (мм): 200
Височина (мм): 250
Дебелина (мм): 30
Корици: Твърди

Луксозна готварска книга с 200 цветни фотографии на английски език.

As the nights draw in we welcome one of the most exciting times of the culinary year. For it is in autumn that an abundant harvest, planted and conceived during the spring and nurtured throughout the summer, comes to fruition. And its foods sustain us into winter's meaner months.

What to Eat Now offers more than 100 autumn and winter dishes, including your favourites from the accompanying television series. Meat, such as pork, duck, rabbit and partridge, is often roasted, braised or served in stews. Fish is served in batter, in soup, on toast or quickly fried. Rich dairy dishes, such as Alpine Macaroni, Welsh Rarebit and Sprottled Eggs, are complemented by an abundance of vegetable dishes using beetroot, cabbage, sweetcorn, pumpkins and so much more. And fruit is served in an array of delightful puddings, including crumble and jelly.

Modest, light meals such as Grey Mullet with Chermoula and Dad's Pumpkin Soup sit alongside big hitters such as Roast Shoulder of Lamb with Ritter Herbs and Honey, andVal's Potatoes with Duck Fat, Garlic and Parsley. And to help you make the most of the season's bounty, there are lots of ideas for using leftovers.

This engaging journey through seasonal food promises to entertain as well as feed; to enthrall as well as satisfy. It's a book for the inquisitive, but its recipes are simple.

Most of all, What to Eat Now promises to bring pleasure into your kitchen and joy to your table.

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